Tag Archives: Okike Chike

by in Investigations

INVESTIGATION… Enugu public libraries in ruins despite budgetary allocations –Part 1

The Enugu State Library Board between 2016 – 2018, budgeted a total sum of N134,903,152 for the renovation, rehabilitation, reconstruction and procurement purposes for the libraries. But these projects, which have since received various monetary allocations of N43,033,152 in 2016, N54,370,000 in 2017 and N37,500,000 in 2018 respectively, still remain decrepit with leaky roofs and […]

    RCDIJ Leaks

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    The goal is to offer confidentiality for anyone who knows of potential or executed illicit transactions, frauds, scams, corruption, environmental disasters, rights violations etc., and wants to make them public but are scared of likely detrimental repercussions.

    Here is a guide to leaking us information:

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